Women in nature conservation

Žene u zaštiti prirode

dokumentarni film

How is it to be a woman in nature conservation?

What are the biggest challenges they face with and what are their messages for young people in the region and in the world?

Find out in our video with amazing women from Adria region:

Jelena Marojević Galić from Parks Dinarides

Ana Čolović Lešoska from Macedonian Eco-svest

Ljiljana Jovanović, educator for WWF’s Nature Academy

Sanela Klarić, Member of the Parliament of Federation of BiH

Ivana Vasić from Vojvodinašume

Watch the video and hear about their valuable experiences!

Klijent: WWF Adria

Godina: 2022.

Ekipa: Dragiša Pajović, Danilo Račić, Marko Danilović
